
Weekend Whirlwind

So finally, after months of rescheduling, we managed to make this shoot happen. With great cost. My friends and I have been trying and failing to make this shoot happen since the year began, and for every reason possible, it just keeps getting cancelled. So at last, one fine Saturday, with last minute models and a super tight studio rent schedule, we pulled it off!
The video is quite short, because of reasons. Kidding. My partner in crime came wasn't around for the most part of the shoot thanks to schedule conflicts, so that leaves me with much to do in so little time. Thankfully, they didn't rearrange the light setup the previous group did in the studio! That saves me time setting up. Yes, I cheat. Whatever. Also, my cousin Mimi's bestfriend Maikke was around to style with me, which helped so much!

Once our time at the studio was up, we went to Mimi's place to continue our shoot there. I've always wanted to shoot at a construction site, so I guess that was my lucky day!

I'm so happy we finally got to make this shoot happen over hell and high water. Quite pleased with the results too. Miss A, as always, was stellar with their hair and makeup. The complete set of photos will be uploaded on facebook in the coming days.

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