
Monday Stress-day

Today has to be THE MOST intense day of my freelancing life. So intense, I was too afraid to ask if things would/could get any worse. I got lost TWICE, precisely when I had no time for it. Also a few things beyond my control were delayed. Just when I had no room for emergencies. But, miracles do happen, and I gained a few hours to get things done at the last minute. I feel so haggard making a mad dash from one thing to the next, so here's a photo of me taking a picture of me taking a picture.
Taken yesterday, while covering day 3 of Nina Dumpa's Basic Makeup Workshop. I learned so much on those three days. All I need is to try those things out when I manage to survive what seems to be one hell of a week. Also, I was hoping my hair would look as red, since I dyed it just last week but it faded faster than the speed of light. You can't even tell. It's brown now, which is no different from my natural hair color. I also teased my hair. And you can't tell from the photo either. LOL

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