
You know the way I can't resist you

I'm putting every post I've prepared on hold for this piece of news that I woke up to this morning. The xx is coming to Manila. And I am breaking my "no concerts till August" oath because if there's any band that'll make me break it, this would be the one.

I've whined about how Manila is just a short plane ride away from Singapore, where they're supposed to perform in August, a few months back. And now we're having them two days before Singapore! Now normally, I'd be internally screaming about this. But for something that I've already accepted as impossible, now actually happening, it calls for a more obvious celebration. So yes, I actually screamed in the home office. Almost cried, really. But that bit I can do internally. I am still not over it. I just wish they'd post how much the tickets will cost already, while I can still afford them. I think. Taking them from the closet fund. I think a new pair of shoes and a new bag can wait.

images from The xx's instagram
The very thought of getting to see + experience this is enough to get me excited. So excited, I don't even need to have coffee to function today. I can only wish I could cover their show. But then again, I also want to sing my lungs out to Try. While ugly-crying. Possibly.

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